The cooperative C.I.T.I. has more than 50 members throughout Switzerland. These members guarantee the quality of their renting facilities and their associated services.
Founded in June 2003, from an initiative of realestate professionals, CITI is an IT, Tourism and Realestate cooperative (Coopérative Informatique du Tourisme et de l'Immobilier). It's members are active in this sector. The Cooperative answers to real needs in the Tourism sector.
It's goal is to bring specific IT services to it's members. Vacation accommodation management and agencies network and internet marketing on the's platform, our online reservation system.
Every year more than 100'000 clients trust the members of Citi for their vacation. offers more than 5'000 accomodations for your vacation in the Alps. Most of these accomodations are classified with the Swiss Tourism board's norms, guarantying you the best quality.
Every members are present in the resort in which you would have choosen your accomodation for your vacation and will be happy to welcome and take care of you during your stay. He will be your contact to answer to all of your questions and needs.
Every members of CITI guaranties you, beautiful vacation without worries.
Thank you to have choosen CITI through our platform